Html5 Graphics And Animation With Canvas

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HTML5 Web Graphics and Animations HTML5 Web Graphics and Animations A Collection of Web Animation Techniques Supporting the Theme of Telecommunications. 1. HTML5 with CSS Styles.

Reflections of HTML5 and CSS Styles The initial step involved developing a functional HTML5 page using the current standards for the tags. An external style sheet was used to support the ability to have the one page access to support the styles of future pages.

Html5 Graphics And Animation With Canvas

Strategies for modifying the working baseline included using the save as function to create the modify version of the HTML page and the CSS page. Experiments included color styles derived from using the Adobe Kuler tool and font exploration. After becoming familiar with the ability to modify styles, the next phase was to create a version of content related to the theme of telecommunications. Text provided the quickest update to the theme that will be used for this and other assignments and projects. To benefit from the previous work, the save as option was used to work from the modified pages for.html and.css. The new versions of the files have the shorter name and they represent the most advanced versions of the content now customized to the theme.

Text on Canvas. Additional (Not Required) Text on Canvas Demos. Reflections of Text on Canvas The initial step involved recreating the provided example to establish a functional baseline for text on canvas. Strategies for modifying the working baseline included updating attributes such as font style, weight, color, and outline. Additional placement of the content was explored for composing a visual message.

HTML5 Canvas and CSS3 by Examples: Graphics, Games and Animations. 2000., download HTML5 Canvas and CSS3 by Examples: Graphics, Games and Animations. To create an animation using HTML5 Canvas, we can use the requestAnimFrame shim which enables the browser to determine the optimal FPS for our animat.

After becoming familiar with the ability to modify the code, a customized version was done to support the theme of telecommunications. In this example, the text on canvas is being used as an introductory page for the topic of telecommunications. Additional text demonstrations were done with JavaScript using a file called modernizrv1.js. Bitmap Image on Canvas. Reflections of Bitmap Image on Canvas The initial step involved recreating the provided example to establish a functional baseline for showing a bitmap image on canvas. Strategies for modifying the working baseline included updating the number of images on the screen and their location. After becoming familiar with the ability to modify the code, a customized version was done to support the theme of telecommunications.


In this example, the bitmap image on canvas was presented as one large image and a series of thumbnail images with emphasis on portions of the content. To accomplish the effect, techniques for scale, placement, and cropping were used. Timeline Based Animation. Reflections of Timeline Based Animation The initial step involved recreating the provided example to establish a functional baseline for a timeline based animation on canvas using a spritemap and javascript code. Strategies for modifying the working baseline included updating the spritemap image frames, exploring the ability to update the number of frames, and making the appropriate adjustements in the code After becoming familiar with the ability to modify the code, a customized version was done to support the theme of telecommunications. Vector Image on Canvas.

Html5 Canvas Drawing

Reflections of Vector Image on Canvas The initial step involved recreating the provided example to establish a functional baseline for vector images on canvas. Strategies for modifying the working baseline included updating the number of instances, the location, and the potential for additional images at one time. After becoming familiar with the ability to modify the code, a customized version was done to support the theme of telecommunications. The estimate of the shape of the satellite dish was done by working with a grid for reference to initially guess the key points in the design. Then the locations were modified to approximate the shape better. Vector Animation and Mutltimedia. Reflections of Vector Animation and Multimedia The initial step involved recreating the provided examples to establish a functional baseline for animated graphs and an interactive demonstration of images.

Html5 Canvas Tutorials

Graphics and animation software

Strategies for modifying the working baseline included updating data in the graph based on research and exploring the number of columns needed. Multimedia content was updated based on preparing and using themed images. After becoming familiar with the ability to modify the code, a customized version was done to support the theme of telecommunications for the animated graphs and the ineractive demonstration. HTML5 Portfolio of Graphics and Animations Supporting the Theme of Telecommunications.

Reflections of HTML5 Project The initial step involved using previous techniques learned for creating a web page with interactive links to pages of content. A plan for the number of pages was created so that the initial page could include active links to the yet to be produced pages. Strategies for modifying the working baseline included duplicating and updating. Once the first page was created, additional pages were created by duplicating the first page and then saving it to the needed page names. Once the pages were created with the proper names, the code was updated with the appropriate content for each page. After becoming familiar with the ability to modify the code, a customized version was done to showcase the telecommunications theme through graphics and animation done using HTML5.

© 2015 John O'Laughlin, Ed.D.