Silent Hill Homecoming Invert Camera Patch

Posted on admin

If you want to invert the camera movement you will have to change a config file of the game. The location of the config file: 'steamapps common Silent Hill Homecoming Engine bindspcmjs.cfg' Explanation: As far as I understand this the numbers at the end of the bindings represent the minimum and maximum value of the input while the thrid number is a multiplier.

Is it True You Cannot Invert Y Axis? Silent Hill: Homecoming. At me because of the lack of an inverted camera - this game. For a patch but I don't think we. For Silent Hill: Homecoming on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Konami's response on no inverted camera'.

If you change the sign of the multiplier it is inverted. Warning Most people complain about the slow camera rotation with gamepads. You can NOT fix this issue with the multiplier. It's possible to get a faster rotation on the vertical axis but the horizontal implementation of the multiplier is broken. I tried everything, really high values, really low values, negative values. Mouse: Original.

I was able to figure this out and if any one else is also having trouble with in game controller settings this will help you. It seems Konami's nomenclature for the bindings config file and the in game settings are completely off or their english translation is very poor.

Since the game also resets your settings upon exit you do not want to set anything in game. All you need to do is edit the binds config file and they will stay. Go to 'steam steamapps common Silent Hill Homecoming Engine ' and open the file 'bindspcmjs.cfg' with note pad. For example: Scroll down until you get to setbind commands for controller.

You will see a line like this: 'setbind 1 COMMANDPUNCH CONTROLLER 0 BUTTON2 -1.0 1.0 1.0' Notice that it says punch. There are no in game settings for punch because punch = strong attack. To fix this all you will need to do is change BUTTON2 to whatever number you would like. Here is what the cfg file options translate to in game: CFG File = In Game setting Kick = Fast Attack Roll = Use Use = Map Block = Inventory Jump = Dodge Punch = Strong Attack Climp Up = Reload Reload = Weapons Stalk = Target Inventory = Walk (This option is disabled by default and you can see there is no binding for it but is still available in game setting. This is found at the very bottom of the file.

If you want to have a walk button just change: 'setbind 1 COMMANDINVENTORY DEVICEINVALID 0 0' to 'setbind 1 COMMANDINVENTORY CONTROLLER 0 BUTTON9 -1.0 1.0 1.0' Just make sure you change the controller button number as I have mine set to 9. Leave out quotes.

Silent Hill Homecoming Invert


Now save and your all set. You can find what button the number is in the config file for both xbox and ps controllers. If you would like to invert your camera. Open the 'varspc.cfg' file with notepad and go to 'cameraInvertThirdVert=false' and change to 'true'. Now save and your all set. This helped me out and the settings for your controller will now stay the same.

If you are having trouble with the map any resolution above 1280x720 i believe causes it to be cut off. You need to lower game resolution to 720p unfortunately to view map normally.

Silent Hill Homecoming Pc

Just make sure you copy your cfg files before changing anything so you have a back up. Also to note. When changing any of these files and starting the game for the first time for some reason it may hang or the screen will go black, and can possibly cause an error while loading saved game.

Silent Hill Homecoming Invert Patch

If this happens you may need to end task to close the game. Just restart and it will be fine.