Vb Simple Calculator Program Source Code
Apr 03, 2013 Windows Standard Calculator Source code. AM Discuss and ask questions about the Visual Basic programming. 'visual basic.net calculator. This full VB program is a simple calculator like what comes with windows. It demonstrates many of Visual Basics controls and commands. Create a calculator. Here I will shoe you how to create a simple calculator. If Any One Is Interested I Remade The Whole Code In VB2008 or VB.NET As.
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We are going to create a “first program” that will be written in Visual Basic (VB). Our project will be a basic calculator that will teach the logic and provide the code for our calculator.
Our instructions will be set up so that the user creates one button for addition and writes code for it. From this the user will be able to add more (subtraction, division, etc.) on to their program if desired. Watch video for demonstration. Programming is becoming more important and it is beneficial to have some understanding of how to code. Network security audit tools and attack tools.
This instruction will serve to both teach a basic understanding of code as well as teach the logic needed to code. Our instructions are different from others on Instructables.com because there is no calculator made in Visual Basic.
Our target readers will be anyone who wants to learn how to program. The instructions will be set up to where someone who has never programmed before will be able to complete the project. Important Note:. These instructions assume you already have Visual Studio installed and open. Your User Interface (where toolbars are placed) my look different from the instructions. These instructions will not address how to make changes to the User Interface.
Making your User Interface look like the provided pictures is not necessary, but will be helpful. If you make a mistake, i.e. Double click on an object by accident, move to the last step (Troubleshooting) for common mistakes and fixes. Helpful Tip:. On the properties toolbox set in alphabetical order. Refer to the picture of the Toolbox, green circle.
Step 1: Click anywhere on the form Step 2: In the properties window, under the Text property, type Simple Calculator Step 3: In the properties window, under the StartPosition property, select CenterScreen Step 4: In the properties window, under FormBorderStyle, select Fixed3D Step 5: Click and drag a label from the Toolbox to the form Step 6: While the label is selected, in the properties window, under the Text property, type Simple Calculator. Note: Since this label is the main text describing the text, you can change the size and boldness of the text under the Font property in the properties window but is not required for this project Step 7: Proceed to do this for the following labels (5) and place them accordingly. Name them: Operators, Operation, Operand 1, Operand 2, and Result (See picture) Note: Objects can either be dragged or double clicked to be placed onto the GUI Step 8: Click and drag a button from the Toolbox Step 9: Place it under the “Operators” label. In this project, you have successfully completed how to make a simple calculator in visual basic. We only had you make an addition button but feel free to make other operators at your desire.
They follow the same steps that are mentioned above. You can now use this as a calculator to make calculations on anything you want. The purpose of this project was to inform users who have no programming experience how to make a simple program. If you wish to learn more about Visual Basic, there is a lot of information online as well as classes that teach Visual Basic (CNIT 175 if you are a Purdue Student). Thank you for taking the time to make this project. When you enter improper code, a blue squiggly line will appear below the word(s). This is an error and the program will not run.
If you see a blue line under a piece of your code, hover over it with your mouse and it should give you an explanation of the error. From there you can research the error online to find more information. If you double click on an object, i.e. A label that you are not going to code, you can either delete the code you just created or leave it there. If you are having trouble like errors or if you forgot a keyword, please see Microsoft’s Visual Basic help site. Another good reference to look at is the textbook, Step into Programming with Visual Basic.Net, 4th Edition, by Guity Ravai and Ibrahim M. Baggili.
If you accidentally double click a tool while moving it from the toolbox Visual Studio will automatically take you to the coding tab, and create a section for coding the element you double clicked. It is recommended to delete this section of code that was accidentally created, as it is junk code that does nothing.
Visual Basic Calculator Program Code
To return back to the form design tab, simply click the Form Design tab.