Far Cry 4 Proper-reloaded

Posted on admin

Version: Far.Cry.4.Proper-RELOADED + 1.04 Patch / Crack So I downloaded Far Cry 4 and I have problems getting it to save properly. Every time I.

Version: Far.Cry.4.Proper-RELOADED + 1.04 Patch / Crack So I downloaded Far Cry 4 and I have problems getting it to save properly. Every time I play the game the save boots me back to the beginning, right before I run into the rebels and hop in one of their trucks. The steps I have taken:.

Patch to 1.04 (didn't work). Run as Administrator (didn't work). Look at the permissions (for some reason no box was checked, so I gave full permissions for every account on my PC. Then I realized I only gave permissions for the shortcut, so I changed the permissions on the.EXE) - it didn't work. Formatted my HD, then reinstalled Windows 8.1, I updated every driver, then installed FC4 + Update - it didn't work. So does anyone have ideas? Edit: I am running windows 8.1, all my drivers are updated, and I do not have any USB devices (other than Mouse and keyboard installed) System Specs: GTX 680 4gb, i5-2500k (running at 4.3 per core), 8 gig of DDR3-2100 (it was $10 more than ddr3-1600 so why not?), Samsung 850 Pro 256GB.

How's it going bros I found a working solution that worked for me at least. Found it on steam so the instructions are just gonna be copy and pasted. (Try running in Administrator Mode with this fix).

Go to your Far Cry 4 installed file usually C: / Program Files (x86) / Ubisoft / FarCry 4. Find the bin folder and click on the 'SaveGames' Folder. Copy the saves in the folder (Should be marked 1, 2, 3, and so forth). Go to your documents and find your ubisoft folder (if not create one).

Create a folder inside that ubisoft folder 'Far Cry 4'. Inside that folder make another one called 'SaveGames'. Paste the files you found in the bin SaveGames folder you copied earlier.

Load Far Cry 4 and enjoy. Source: Good day, fellas! I've found this on another forum from 'Piiman' and it worked for me: 'Here are my findings. It looks more like it isn't reading the correct save file. The fc4 save folder is inside C: Program Files (x86) Ubisoft Ubisoft Game Launcher savegames(that long numbered folder) 420 Mine had 1.save 1.save.upload 2.save 2. Saveupload I deleted them and restarted game.

Game started fresh from the beginning (went and cut the lawn as I waited for that long. cut scene to finish since we can't skip them).

The first auto save is when you leave the house and go downstairs (1.save) I get rescued and after you are rammed off the road the game auto saves again (2.save) Now if you restart it just reads the 1.save file NOT the 2.save I deleted 1.save and I then restarted and I was were you are when you get rammed off the road. (this is where I should be at this point) So for some reason the game will only read 1.save every time you start. Hope this helps you guys! I'm going to play some more now and see what happens at the next auto save point. Oh also after deleting the 1.save file and I do a save & quit it didn't complain about me losing unsaved progress either so that may be a good sign.

UPDATE ok i've gotten to the bell tower and two more auto saves and it is now working! It did make a new 1.save but so far it looks good.' The difference is the saves of the reloaded version are located at C: ProgramData Orbit 420 RLD! I have problems getting it to save properly. SOLVED SOLVED SOLVED for reloaded 1.5 patch (1.6 crashes the map editor).

Run the game as admin. This will let your game save progress. During game save using SAVE or SAVE AND QUIT buttons.

Before loading the game (Continue offline), go to your save folder, which for pirate releases looks like C: / ProgramData (Hidden folder)/ Orbit / 420 / RLD! Copy to safe location all files. Then leave only the latest save file and saves.ini file in the saves folder. Note: The latest save is the one which was last modified. Change the view in file explorer to DETAILS and check column DATE MODIFIED. If it's not working, try opening SAVES.INI file with NOTEPAD and make sure it looks like this: Saves Save001=saveSlot1.sav Save changes. Then rename your save file to Save001.sav Pro tip: right-click on FC4 shortcut, click PROPERTIES.


Locate TAB named 'Shortcut'. Locate BOX 'Target'.

In TARGET box, at the end of the text, put one space and this text: -skipintro Then click button ADVANCED and tick the box RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR. Click OK, then OK. Well for one, you've misunderstood permissions a bit. You need to give permissions to the files you want to be modifiable. But changing the permissions of the EXE, you're just saying that those accounts can red/write/execute the exe file.

But I'm willing to bet the problem is just a bad installation. As in, and don't take this the wrong way, you missed a step or messed something up. Don't take it personally.

I'd uninstall, and just start from scratch. Barring that, make sure you're using 'save and quit' and not just 'quit to desktop.

Far Cry 4 Dlc

Make sure you have the 3dm folder copied over if you used that update.