Drupal Apply Patch Module

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This page answers the question: How do I apply a patch to a module? Much of the existing patching documentation on how to apply a patch (see links below) is extremely cryptic and assumes more technical knowledge than some aspiring, but worthy patchers have. But even those with somewhat lesser technical know-how may want (or need) to apply a module patch from time to time. For instance, there is an important feature that has been developed for your module, but it is still not available in an official release. Or, you have reported a bug in the module, and the module maintainer has asked you to test a patch that fixes it. This how-to provides a detailed step-by-step guide to applying patches to contributed modules.

  1. Drupal Apply Patch To Module
  2. Drupal Modules
  3. Drupal Apply Patch To Module

It is designed for first-time patchers and/or less technical folks who have the need to apply a patch. The how-to specifically relates to applying patches on Windows machines, but the basic information and steps may be helpful for others. It is also written for a localhost (i.e., a development environment, and the particular directory structure follows XAMPP's naming) configuration, but the same steps would apply to a hosted environment as well, if it is a Windows environment. You'll just need to switch the location where some of the steps are executed. Caution: Patches can break, and even permanently damage your system.

Applying Drupal Patches. It's important to note that this is not the ideal solution for applying patches. We need to edit a module in Drupal's.

Patching is something that should never be done on your production site unless you first have a complete backup of your site, and you have tested that backup: First. Unless you know what you are doing, please only apply patches that are well proven by the Drupal community and/or patches you've been asked by the module maintainer to test. This guide can't cover every possible situation that you are likely to encounter. You need to develop a solid general understanding of what a patch is and what happens when you apply it. You should always first apply patches to a development environment. Take the time to learn how to Also, make sure to read through and understand the entire set of instructions provided here before you actually follow the steps.

Linux & Drupal Projects for $30 - $250. I have to apply a patch to a Drupal module. The module is 'webform matrix component' The issue and the patch that should solve. Apply patches on Windows. Last updated 7 October 2014. Patching on Windows can be done by a variety of programs. I want to apply a patch to a drupal module.

You can tell a module patch has been 'well proven by the community' by either:. seeing a notation in the issue queue which states the thread has been 'reviewed & tested by the community' and/or.

reading the associated issue thread and seeing that many people have confirmed successful application of the patch. If you find a patch that has not been validated by seasoned Drupalers, do not install it, as it may break your system.

What is a Patch? A 'patch file' is a specific kind of file that contains code that is used to modify one or more existing files for a Drupal module. The 'patch' command is a Linux command that performs the patching operation. Patching and files are not unique to Drupal; they are widely used to modify all sorts of files. In the context of patch files for Drupal modules, the patch file is normally intended to change existing.module files. The patch file contains lines of code that are either being added to the.module file (indicated by a '+') or being deleted from the.module file (indicated by a '-' sign). As well, each block of lines with +/- signs is preceded and followed by unmarked reference lines that serve to tell the patching program where to insert/delete the lines.

If you look at a typical patch file, you will see several such groups of lines - beginning and ending reference lines, plus variable numbers of +/- lines. Each such grouping is called a 'hunk.'

If the patch fails to apply, you will often see 'hunk failed' errors. Patching does not happen in Drupal per se, nor does it happen in Windows. Rather, it is done in Linux (or other Unix flavor) or a Linux emulator. The UnxUtils package also provides a Windows native implementation of the patch command.

Because the 'patch' command is a Unix command—not a Drupal command or a Windows command—Windows users need to utilize a tool that allows them to run Unix commands. There are for doing this. This how-to assumes you are using a Linux emulator called Cygwin to apply patches, but you could use one of the other tools instead. Additional Drupal patching sources Before trying to apply a patch, we recommend you read some of the other materials available on drupal.org to help you more fully understand the process.

While the patching process itself is quite simple, the changes that occur from applying the patch can be quite complex. Applying patches can be a bit risky, so you want to avoid mistakes and understand what is happening when you apply patches. There is a that one is 'supposed' to follow to create a patch. Be aware that the procedure may have been followed properly and it may not have. Also, the procedure allows for two different ways to 'roll' the patch. This is why it was recommended earlier that you apply only the patches that have already been 'well-proven.' .

This is the Intro page to the existing materials on patching. Most pages here are written for a fairly technical audience.

This is interesting to read because it helps explain what is actually in a 'patch' file. Furthermore, for simple patches, doing them manually might be just as fast as the steps below. Color hd prores codec. If you are going to apply patches manually, you will definitely need to use a plain text editor, such as. This is a cryptically written series of pages for using various tools - Cygwin, GnuWin32, and UnxUtils - for patching.

This material looks just as cryptic as the Windows information. This provides a link to a useful video that's definitely worth watching, since patching modules and patching core is procedurally about the same. Be aware: the video flashes through the command line steps that are likely to be the most vexing to first timers and less technical folks. Prerequisite - Install Cygwin Before you can apply a patch, you need to install Cygwin on your Windows machine.

Cygwin is an open source program that is widely used and very safe. It will work on most any Windows machine, including Vista and 64 bit versions.

As described on the Cygwin home page: Cygwin is a Linux-like environment for Windows. It consists of two parts:. A DLL (cygwin1.dll) which acts as a Linux API emulation layer providing substantial Linux API functionality.

A collection of tools which provide Linux look and feel. Visit the to learn more and download the setup.

Cygwin's site provides great information on how to install it. However, if you want to find more information, you may or your preferred search engine using keywords 'install cygwin.'

Also, these posts/videos by Drupalers may be of help: (this is for XP, but same approach works with Vista, etc.) and a post. Cygwin Basics Once you have installed Cygwin, you will be able to open it like a normal program. However, the program has a cryptic interface and doesn't do anything unless you give it commands. In the hands of novices, using it is like stepping back 20 years on a PC, but it gets the job done (and is actually very powerful if you know what you are doing).

The following commands should be enough to get your patch installed:. cd. Thanks much for this how-to. I spent all day yesterday spinning my wheels, trying to figure this out.

This worked great after figuring out a few more items: - When first installing cygwin, on the 'Select Packages' page you'll need to go to devel patchutils and enable the box in column marked 'bin.' Otherwise you'll get an error when you try to patch the first time saying that cygwin can't find the app.

To add packages later (after finishing your initial cygwin install), simply run back through the installation by running the initial set up file. (If you forget to select 'patchutils' as outlined above, for instance.) - Moving around your folder structure (using 'CD') is different (at least from my perspective) than how I used to do it at a DOS command prompt some 20 years ago. Apparently Windows and UNIX paths are entered differently; you can't use spaces in a file/folder name, etc. See this page for work arounds:. Case in point: I had issues trying to navigate to/past my 'Program Files' directory/folder because of the space in the name. I had to 'escape the space.' Here's what worked; I entered: cd /cygdrive/c/Program Files (If this pertains to you, don't forget a space after the 'cd' and of course the space before the word 'Files') Again - thanks - my head was going to explode yesterday after downloading myriad apps and surfing across tons of mind-numbing how-tos.

or to post comments. I found I had to apply to measures here to make Cygwin work on Windows 7. Repeated below: If you are a linux enthusiast and really miss those greps and sed/awks on the windows box, you've probably installed cygwin. You tried running it either by double-clicking the cygwin icon on your desktop or the cygwin.bat file in your 'C: cygwin' directory and got the bash-3.X$ prompt.

However, although the pwd or cd commands work, if you try ls, it says:'ls: command not found'. Here is what you need to do to fix it: Right click on 'My Computer' - Properties - Advanced - Environment Variables Add a new environment variable, called CYGWINHOME and set its value to C: cygwin Edit the PATH environment variable and add C: cygwin bin to it (usually separated by a ';').

Just click okay, exit any command prompts or bash shells (over cygwin) you may have open, and open it again - it'll work! Note: this assumes that you have installed cygwin at C: cygwin. If you've kept it someplace else, please modify the above accordingly.

or to post comments. When I apply one of commands given in step 4. I am getting this: can't find file to patch at input line 5 Perhaps you used the wrong -p or -strip option? The text leading up to this was: - diff -git a/handlers/viewshandlerfield.inc b/handlers/viewshandlerfield.inc index 5a5c4b7.07d1dfd 100644 - a/handlers/viewshandlerfield.inc b/handlers/viewshandlerfield.inc - File to patch: Does anyone know how to avoid this inconvenient situation? Thanks in advance!. or to post comments.

I had similar problem, which was caused by saving a patch file in an incorrect directory. In your case, take a look at these two lines: - a/handlers/viewshandlerfield.inc b/handlers/viewshandlerfield.inc You are supposed to put the patch file under the handlers directory, then this patch file would be next to viewhandlerfield.inc file. After you move the patch file into that directory, from your cygwin console, get active in that directory using the 'cd' command then execute the patch command (I usually use: patch.

Hey @natttan. This is a cross post from another thread - and moving the patch may work - but hoping you find the deets below useful. They assume you have SSH access to your Drupal Installation on a Linux (in this case Debian) server.

To be honest, I remain GIT curious and may yet have to set it up - but I tend to work on public facing sandboxes and remain uncomfortable with some of the inherent security issues GIT represents. I'm working towards a 'datacore all in' Drupal Ecomm distribution that does not require direct FTP/SSH server access.

Anyway, you can usually work out how a given patch is trying to apply by looking at the patch for file path its trying to use. In this case, this is a multi-file patch spanning several core subdirectories from install root. So first thing is to login and go to your site root (ie var/www/publichtml/epicdrupisite/) and download the file from the command line: wget If you copied the link - you will likely have to edit 'https' and stick with http as above. Saving locally and ftp'ing it in is kinda pointless because you will need ssh to actually apply the patch. Next trick is help the patch find the right paths for the files - so - you issue a -p option on the command line - in this case: patch -p1.

First of all: Thank you for this detailed guide! I tried this way of patching the first time, so had to install cygwin and had to get familiar with that kind of interface - however, it works! Just a minor detail, I experienced with a Core patch : The guide above handles a module patch, where you copy the.patch file exactly to the one and only module directory - so it works within that path (that´s obviously, what -p0 does). To run a patch for a path including all subfolders etc., it is obviously required to use -p1. This hint will be self explaining for everybody who is familiar with that kind of commands, but may help other newbies (like me), patching a more complex thing than a module.

or to post comments. Many thanks for this detailed description. I have added a short explanation of the -pN flag for true newbies (like myself) to the Notes section. If there is a similar procedural for newbies (to 'patch') for the linux environment, a line here might be helpful to those landing on this Windows-oriented tutorial. It was easy enough to extrapolate to my Debian situation, but if there is a penguinized version of this that would be a good thing to ling. Again, this was a huuuuge help.

A million thanks to the author(s). or to post comments.

Patching on Windows can be done by a variety of programs. The command line patch utility can run on Windows natively with or, or via the emulation layer. If you require or fancy a graphical interface, you can use for example, the IDE, or the IDE. Eclipse To apply patches to code using Eclipse:. Menu windows open perspective others team synchronizing. Open the patch file, select all text and copy it to clipboard (Ctrl+ C).

Menu project apply patch. Select clipboard, click next, select the file you want to patch, click finish or next to setup patching options.

Drupal Apply Patch To Module

More information can be found with details on how to and Eclipse for Drupal. NetBeans To apply patches to code using NetBeans:.

Open the project and right-click on the file or folder you want to patch. Tools Apply Diff Patch. Browse to and select the patch file you want to apply. Click 'Patch'. PhpStorm To apply patches to code using PhpStorm:. Open the project.

Drupal Modules


VCS Apply Patch. Browse to and select the patch file you want to apply. Click 'OK'. The file(s) to be patched will be automatically detected. Select the file(s) to be patched from the found list Click 'OK'. TortoiseSVN are available on TortoiseSVN.net as are.

Windows 7 is typically going to put the GnuWin32 utils under C: Program Files (x86), so patch.bat will need to be updated. Also, depending on the specific patch file, you may need to pass the -p option, so it is advisable to update it to allow that. Finally, and this is an incredibly stupid Windows thing - UAC treats files differently if they have the word patch in the name (see ), so patch.exe was not executing for me.

I ended up copying and renaming patch.exe and updating the bat file to the below. That provides a working solution: 'C: Program Files (x86) GnuWin32 bin unix2dos' -v%2 'C: Program Files (x86) GnuWin32 bin pxtch'%1 -verbose.

What this simple step-by-step patching solution is ignoring (and I had to struggle with it just now, not knowing eclipse at all) is that the file you are patching must be part of a project within Eclipse. So if you are using Eclipse PDT, make sure that you make a new project. Then within that project, make a new file and copy the content of the file that you will be patching in that new file and save the new file. Then follow the steps above to apply the patch.

Drupal Apply Patch To Module

At least that's how it worked for me after fiddling around with it for an hour or so trying to figure out how do I apply the patch!. or to post comments. If you're trying to apply a patch and can't seem to make it work, note that at this time eGit cannot apply patches with email info in them. IOW, if the patch has been generated with 'To. Email info as the first lines, eGit can't deal with it (no matter how many leading segments you ignore). You can drop into a shell and use the 'git apply -v.' Command to apply the patch.

There is a page where the steps for applying a patch in Eclipse/eGit will go:. I use a combination of eGit (really nice for setting up a clone repo and tracking and making branches & tags), gitExt (nice for interactive rebasing and other commands not available in eGit), and git in a shell (for fast-forward merges and applying and creating patches). It's not ideal, but it's not too bad, since gitExt (Git Extentions) and git are straightforward and simple tools. or to post comments.