Concorde Lvn Program San Diego

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Search for LVN programs in San Diego, CA. The vocational nursing program at Concorde Career College runs for 13 months – with consistent, full-time attendance.

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You're good to go! Close the Settings tab, reload this Yelp page, and try your search again. If you're still having trouble, check out. You can also search near a city, place, or address instead. I am an alumni of this school and proud to be one.

In 2013 I walked in nervous and excited to consult about their hygiene program. I was told to beginning with the basics and start with their dental assistant if program (which is understandable since I had no knowledge of the dental field).

I began their DA program late January of 2014 in their first mod (110). Luckily I was placed in a mod that was the introduction to dental and worked my way to the end of mod 180, then extern.

That helped me understand the whole career A LOT easier. I was top of class and had perfect attendance every module, as well as a lamplighter. School really depends on the person and their willing to take the most out of the experience. I enjoyed every day and I would do it all over again if I can. Everyone one campus was very friendly, helpful, and knowledgeable. My classmates and teacher were great! I found myself a great job as a DA at a private office right after my graduation in November 2014 and I love it.

As I continue to work in this field, I realized that becoming a hygienist is not my cup of tea and that I preferred being my own boss and Doctor's other set of hands. For those complaining about what this school has or does not offer. DO YOUR RESEARCH. If it isn't what it's set out to be, then don't pursue it unless you truly are committed to be in that career field. You have to be willing to put in the hard work and dedication.

If cost is an issue, there are plenty of options the school can provide to help you. During my program, I've seen students drop out or was not taking the program seriously. At the end of the day, we are spending $ towards A CAREER! Yes, it may or may not work out for some people but the experience and knowledge is never a waste. Remember that Concorde is a corporation as well as a school.

If you aren't aggressive about getting certain things done. You'll obviously leave upset and take it out on the school. LVN (vocational nursing program) Save your time, money, and personal sanity. This was by far the BIGGEST MISTAKE IVE EVER MADE ENROLLING HERE!!!!!! Disorganized, Dysfunctional, and a huge mess is how I can best describe this so called College. When your teacher/ instructor quits on the 7th day you know you have huge problems coming your way!!!! Now mix together a teacher that abruptly quits with total confusion chaos and a student trying to act like a teacher taking over and that's Concorde College.

Lol no joke I'm taking my money elsewhere! How this 'college' is accredited is beyond me?!

Now let's see them (Concorde) fight with me about the financial aspect of things in getting my money back. Horrible horrible just horrible To be updated Update: 2 full days with no call back after speaking with 3 people and leaving 2 messages calling 4 times this 'college' is a joke. I have to say that I was quite disappointed. I was so excited and motivated to start school and enroll in the Physical Therapy Assistant program, and as I was entering the school it was exciting to see where I would attend. But it wasn't until I meet with the representative 'Sandra De Anda' as she was going over the program with me it looked as if she didn't have enough time for me.

She mentioned that the specific program is based on a points system and was going over my qualifications and she made the most rudest comment ever saying 'your bummed huh' immediately bringing me down. As if she didn't think i can make it in the program. She was so unprofessional yawning every second. She made me feel HORRIBLE.

People like Sandra should learn to be different. I AM NEVER ATTENDING CONCORDE NOT HAPPY AT ALL. As everyone does I did a lot of research before committing to this school. Concorde ISN'T like what the comments portray it to be. I recently completed the DA Program and loved everyday of it. The DA evening teachers are amazing their super caring and very friendly! McKay are a great Duo they answer any questions you may have until you've got a great Understanding even Hands On!

Mr.B is one of the funniest teachers I've ever had he makes learning fun whether it be funny stories from times in the office or just a little joke to lighten up the room. The program does move in a cycle so be aware when you start not everyone in your classroom is as new as you are. Time flies while in this program and everyday you learn something new so try not to be absent; there's a lot of hands on learning so your not always looking in a book. You get the chance to work with patients & learn front and back office duties. The extern coordinator helped me find a great office close to home.

Overall the DA Program at Concorde is great and I'd highly recommend this school to others. Thank you to Mr.B, Ms.B, Ms.Mckay, and Ms.

Remmer who helped me build toward my new career! A recent graduate.

Please do your reviews of other schools before going here! Over priced for what you get and what you actually receive. I had to find my own externship, never had job placement, found my own job, which was extremely difficult seeing as I have no experience. The counselors post Craigslist and Glassdoor post and consider that job placement.

In my 6 months at the school they went through 2 Deans and I had numerous counselors, Also the equipment that you are trained with is either out dated or doesn't work. Really sad I have to pay $16,000 and after close to one year haven't had any job assistance from this school However the instructors are amazing and highly taken advantage of, they let the students know that too!!

The 3 stars are only for the instructors. A lot of promises from the school that are never followed through Don't waste your money here.

I am not even sure where to begin! I usually read reviews prior to going to important places and and making life changing choices, well after doing my research I decided to give this school a chance because other schools with hygiene programs have waiting list and i did not want to wait but my experience has been far from good. This school has to be the most unprofessional environment.

First I came and was given good advice and information by Armando who was assigned as my career counselor. I came back a few months after to take the wonderlic and Hesi entrance exam and he was no longer working for them so I was assigned a new counselor Teri. Let me begin by saying that I passed my test and she told me to come back and take it again to get a higher score then she went on and told me that she believed there was a charge but she was going to ask the director.

She left the office and asked and came back and told me that there was no charge and to go study and come back the first week of January. Two weeks after she called me and asked me when was I going to come in and take the test for the first time, I then explained that I had already taken the test and she advised a retake for a higher score. She didn't even remember me and anything we had talked about!!! Horrible place! I've been calling for a week, leaving messages needing to speak to the director of Medical Assistant program with no call back! I had to take time off work to come speak to them.

This is ridiculous! I come in and the front office tells me there's no one that can help me out with what I need. She asked to leave a name and number for a call back, which I refused because I've been doing that for a week now, with no response. So I'm waiting in their reception area, waiting for someone to help me out because there's nobody on campus that can do that right now. This is ridiculous! Same situation happened a month ago when I needed my transcripts.

I called for two weeks and I always go the registrars voicemail, she states to leave your email so she can email the required form. She never called back or emailed anything. I then had to take time off work to request my transcripts. Horrible customer service!!

They're asking way too much for school and the administration person I talked to was belittling me the whole time acting like I wasn't smart enough/couldn't afford the program. Money isn't the issue, I'm willing to pay whatever but from what I saw of there campus and the way that woman was talking to me; I decided it wasn't worth 68k for not even a B.A. And Applied Associates of Science. No thanks, I can go to community college and save money! Plus from all the reviews on here, doesn't sound so great. I have a lot of mixed emotions about this place. I did the DA program and really put me all into it.

It's easy to see the people that don't care, which for the price of the school seems stupid but whatever. Two girls in my class were always late or left early or just didn't come to class, with the schools policy on attendance it took them months to do anything to address the situation. In the end one dropped out and one was kicked out because of drug use (that EVERYONE was aware of). I loved my teachers and did make some really great bonds.

Henk the extern coordinator is terrible and when something goes wrong she blames you personally. When it came time to find my extern location she does 'help' but when I told her I had set up my own interviews she told me to turn down any offers, except hers of course.

She's even talked down to students in what should've been a one on one meeting, but I was there.even tried to excuse myself but she insisted I stay. Another staff member I have a big problem with is Bill Lacey 'Mr.

Socks' I believe is his nickname. Don't be fooled, this guy is a massive prick. During our graduation (a happy time right?) he was clearly pissed the whole time, talked to us like 5 year olds, and very very loudly announced it would be 4-6 weeks for out diplomas to come in, DO NOT contact him, do not bother him.he will let us know when they arrive. Well it's 3 months later and I haven't heard anything. I tried to call and leave a voicemail but he hasn't called back.

So I went to the school a few days ago, and guess what? They've been signed and stamped and what not. I was told by Mrs Henk I had to wait to take my RDA until I got my diploma, so I waited, thinking I'd have it in time for the cut off date to apply. Well that was also a lie, I could've done it anytime, either way, I just found this info out from my old instructor, and now I have to wait even longer.still no diploma. You guys are not on the same page.

Half the time not even the same book. Get it together, these are people's futures they're trusting you with. Horrible administration reps! Super unorganized!!! How are you gonna call me and expect $600 and Official transcripts from multiple schools in less than 24hr to be able to apply to a program I had been continually contacting you about?! When I asked why I was being contacted the day before the LAST day to apply, my rep stated she just received an email notifying her tomorrow was the last day.

And she says defensively it was my responsibility to have all my documents in order according to 'The catalog'. What catalog? Can't find any deadlines anywhere in the shitty packet of photocopies I was given?!?!?! That's why I had been calling for two weeks. To find out what is the next step!!! I should have known from the first day as I waited for 45 min for my set appointment, and then was shuffled around by 3 different reps & given different information by each one.

Horrible representation of a program that would cost me 65,000! I'll take my chances at Southwestern!

4393 Imperial Ave Ste 100, San Diego, CA 92113

I went there last year, and so far I regret attending. I don't get why they allow you to enter in different mods (portions of the curriculum) you might enter at the toughest part of the course and finish with the intro. I had a good teacher the first half, but they switched get with someone not used to teaching the course even though she had experience in the field in the past. With her it became self paced class. I attended because I thought they would help me get a job as well, it's been 7 months and nothing.

Only recently did the job placement department contact me which was strange, because I gave them my resume right away but it got lost or never saved. Drawing program for os x. I'm looking for a job on my own because no leads so far from their side. Overall I wasted time, money, and opportunity to work instead of wasting time going to the class. Dean's last multiple times, but that hasn't helped so far.

I understand they have lots of students to help place in jobs, but maybe they're just taking in too many students they can't handle properly. If they help me get a job I'll give them 2 or 3 stars, but with the other experiences contributing I wouldn't go any higher. I graduated from this 'college' in 2013, a trade school which is a business, so of course they want your money but what institution doesn't require you to pay tuition first?

I went through their surgical tech program and let me tell you it's no walk in the park, this is a VERY INTENSE program and if you have a strong desire to do something extremely challenging and helpful at the same time then this is right for you. I already had a background in healthcare and had been doing it for over 10yrs just didn't have any civilian credentials and that's where Concorde excels in my opinion. This school allows veterans to obtain the credentials needed in a shorter time frame giving you the opportunity to pursue and continue a career in healthcare. This school has a variety of programs and they all have their own set of instructors, some good some bad, just like any other school in the America, but it's ultimately up to you, to choose and succeed. This school is a rip off so I got into term 3 and decided to transfer to another school come to find out I get a letter from the va saying I owe the va 4,000 dollars for over payment. I go talk to financial aide and after 7 months at the school they calculate that I've been there more than 75% so they keep my money and I have to pay the va back on my own. I left because of teaching was terrible after I realized what was going on I wanted to leave.

Now I'm waiting until Friday to talk to the lady that's in charge of Finacial aide to see how concorde do their math and figure Out how they calculate their percentages (since the women in the Finacial aide office don't know ) the stress and arguing I do with these people is ridiculous from the grades for finals not being posted on time hell you don't even see your final to the terrible instructors (not all are bad but some). I transferred to Kaplan and in the class im in 7 students (just in my class) all transferred from concorde because of teaching that should say something in its own right there.

Grossmont College

As a business owner of a prominent dental practice I would not recommend participating in the extern program. I have participated twice to which both situations did not end ideal. The management of the externs is very poor with severe lack of communication between the extern, practice, & Concorde. The only reason I gave 1 star was strictly because I really enjoyed the second extern and saw great potential for her. I hope that in the future Concorde applies better communication between all parties involved, and increases the level of customer service for the practices they wish to hire their externs and/or students.

I'm an 08 LVN program graduate and judging by most of the recent reviews I see not much has changed. It can be a ghetto place, full of lazy staff & lazier students. CCC is a business first & foremost. Many of the teachers have no passion or skill for teaching. Financial aid dept are sharks do your own finance research & read everything you sign.

It is a typical diploma mill. But I can tell you this, you will get out of the school what you put into it. Read those texts, volunteer in clinical & learn procedures- they will let you be lazy & do nothing but that only hurts you in the end. If you really want to become- whatever your profession is- you can be on the right path to it by attending school here. I am 7 years into my career and am beyond thankful for my experience at CCC. Not b/c they taught me so well or the teachers were great but because it was an opportunity I otherwise would not have had due to the ridiculous wait time and competitive nature of the nursing programs at every other school in SD county. Don't be fooled by their NCLEX scores.

They drop any student who fails their mock board testing at the end b/c if they let them sit & fail they'd lose accreditation. Class sizes are large so if you need your hand held you're screwed. We were suppose to have less than 20 but we had 36 to start, by the second term we'd lost half & gained 5 from a previous cohort who failed & had to repeat.

By the end of the program we had about 12 people left- 2 never sat b/c they couldn't pass the mock boards. If you get on a teachers bad side you better make BFF's with an administrator to protect you.

If nothing else this should teach you how to play office politics. It's VERY fast paced & the teachers are disorganized so stay on top of your studies & be flexible. It's a FT job. For us a 82% or less was considered failing; it is intense. Get a tutor or form study groups.

I'm going to attempt to drop a little knowledge on you who read reviews to decide if you should go here & maybe the ones who gave it 1 because they failed or passed but couldn't find a job or afford their loan payment. First off: You will NEVER learn everything you need to know to go straight to work from ANY college or technical school.You are lucky to get ANY hands on experience from any healthcare program, people from all kinds of schools come out with minimal skills. Today I am a charge nurse & I train new grad RNs and LVNs and I can tell you- they all suck.

Every last one of them from tech schools and universities alike, with the exception of the ex-CNA's or MA's and that's b/c they had WORK experience. I did not become a nurse by going to CCC and neither will any of you.

Don't be fooled by the commercials or sales pitch- those people in the recruit office don't even have degrees! Why would you take financial (loan) or career advice from some high school drop out? OO CCC is not going to train you to be a professional you will, however, obtain the requirements necessary to sit for your boards in order to become certified and HOPEFULLY get an ENTRY-LEVEL job where you will then gain skills. The job placement assistance is limited so don't depend on them. You better be networking throughout your program. Healthcare jobs are all about the politics, who you know makes a huge difference in rather or not you will ever get a job in a saturated market like San Diego.

Vet & military spouses apply for VA jobs you're good to go. Secondly: I read these reviews and I think to myself in Kevin Hart's voice 'You people weren't ready!' Who blames a school for not finding them a job? If you can't understand accents healthcare isn't for you! If you are mad because you signed up for a loan you can't pay back that's your bad, not theirs.

The prices are absolutely ridiculous. But that fact is plastered across the internet and you signed your name to the contract so it's not a surprise at the end. The price is not worth it for anything less than LVN/ST/RT/DH program. If your potential wages are almost minimum wage then don't bother taking out a loan (ie: MA/DA/MT/CNA). If you think for a second that you're not able or committed to finish the program don't sign up.

If you have babysitting, health, car issues they do not care, they already got your money. They are strict with attendance. They have a re-entry process for people who get dropped. Speak up & advocate for yourself.

Lastly: Don't do MA! Before you get into ANY field make sure the job market needs you otherwise it's throwing money and time away. CA does not need more new grad healthcare pros- move out of state & get some experience. Understand by no means does that 30k translate to an automatic diploma, degree or job. Graduates from Ivy leagues can't even find jobs these days. Know what you're getting into before you sign.

Concorde could be a lot better but I am a proud graduate because it opened the door to transfer programs & a lucrative stable job in a field I love. It's a legit means to an end. Only reason I placed two stars instead of one is because of the over all appearance of the school inside and out compared to other medical mill schools. That being said make no mistake this school only sees you as a dollar sign.

If your considering Medical assisting or Dental assisting or anything entry level like that DO NOT GO HERE! I personally suggest Pima Medical Institute for MA or DA students. I attended that school for MA and it was night and day as far as the instructors. At Concorde you don't even get certified when you complete those programs. What a waste of time and money!

If your considering the LVN program you can go here but then again why the hell would you spend that kind of money to only be a LVN when they're being phased out of most hospitals and there's already a flooded market of RN's that cant find work? Just seems silly and wasteful to me. I attended this school for the Surgical Technician program.

Its a great program and most of the instructors are pretty good. The instructors will Ham it up and try and stress you out or piss you off just to see how you react because this is a fast pace field. In the 'O.R.' The Surgeons will scream and yell and throw instruments because there mad at life choices they've made. Be ready for that! I'm a former active duty US Marine so having some nerdy Doctor yell at me because I handed him the wrong instrument isn't going to ruin my day, but there's sensitive people out there that just cant handle that.

Also have a strong stomach, you cant be squeamish you will see some shit in this field! Oh and there job placement department is garbage lol don't even waste your time with them. Ive called and emailed them several times, and even went as far as to show up to the school to speak with them. Its like talking to a brick wall. Google is your job placement not them.

If you have any questions please feel free to private message me. I promise I will respond to your message.

In the city of San Diego, California, 19% of nurses are. However, the comfort score of people in this profession, which indicates how well they can live based on their salary, is -3, which is not very good.

Lvn Program San Diego Ca

Indeed, out of the top 100 cities in the country, it ranks the worst. (RNs) in San Diego, the comfort score is 64, which is much higher and more interesting. This demonstrates that it would be a viable career choice to move from LPN to RN, or to start straight with the RN program. On the other hand, LPNs occupy an incredibly important role in the medical field, and their services are invaluable. This is why it takes someone very special to do this job, someone who is interested in the well-being of others over their own.

In order to become an LPN in San Diego, you will have to sit through a year of lessons including some field experience. You then have to be licensed through the California State Board of Nursing, who will need to receive a transcript from your school. You will then have to take the NCLEX-PN exam to become licensed, which includes the CPR card as a requirement. Many people wonder whether there is any point to becoming an LPN, since the RN route is so much more financially stable. However, the reality is that it only takes you a year to train and it is reasonably affordable as well, particularly if you can access financial aid. Furthermore, it is a great opportunity to find out whether the field of nursing is something that you would be interested in, without having to commit to a long and expensive. Your mean annual salary is around $42,000 nationwide, which is quite reasonable although low in the medical field.

Additionally, growth in terms of both job offerings and salaries is expected to be well above the national average according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. If you do want to become an LPN, it is very important that you choose a good school to do so. Below are the top 5 LPN programs in San Diego for you to choose from: West Coast University Featured & Highly Recommended + Online Option! Offers a highly acclaimed LVN to BSN program.

It has been designed to allow students to in as little as three years. Start dates are flexible and there are no waiting lists for the different classes, which makes this one of the more interesting programs in the state.

Concorde Lvn Program San Diego

The curriculum offers students all the experience and skills they need to work as an RN. This includes standard nursing practice and also the necessary management and leadership skills expected of a nursing professional. Campus: Online option + Anaheim, Los Angeles and Ontario, CA.

Type: Private, for profit. Accreditation: WASC, ACICS, CCNE. Tuition: Affordable.

Inquire Direct. Minimum time commitment: 3 years. There is also an unlicensed 30 unit option. Online availability: No. Degree requirements: LVN license, HESI, TEAS V, SAT or ACT. Programs: LVN to BSN. Request Information Direct.

Featured Programs: Johns Hopkins School of Nursing - Capella University - 1. Kaplan College Kaplan College’s PND (Practical Nursing Diploma) is a stepping stone to enter the world of health care. It gives students all the experience and job knowledge they need in order to get started.

The course includes lectures, group discussions and lab training, which is the best way to get started with the necessary skills for the job. The focus is strongly on improving the lives of the patients students will eventually be working with. Campus: San Diego, California.

Type: Private. Accreditation: ACICS.

Tuition: $4,540.20. Minimum time commitment: One year. Online availability: No. Degree requirements: High school graduate, GED or home study certificate. Programs: Practical Nursing Diploma. School website: 2.

Concorde Career College At Concorde Career College, students are provided with the hands-on training, medical education and clinical experience that allows them to become LVNs (Licensed Vocational Nurses). Once they have completed this program, they will be able to take the licensing exam.

This then allows them to enter the employment market with the knowledge that they are skilled and competent at their jobs. An LVN is charged with providing bedside nursing care to patients while being supervised by an RN or another physician. Campus: San Diego, California.

Type: Private. Accreditation: ACCSC. Tuition: $27,352. Minimum time commitment: 50 weeks. Online availability: No.

Degree requirements: High school diploma, GED or home schooling certificate. Programs: Vocational nurse. School website: 3. Southwestern College Southwestern College runs an 18 month LVN program. There are only spaces for 30 applicants on the course each time, and these are offered on a first come first served basis.

This means spaces are limited and in high demand. In return, however, Southwestern will offer you some of the best training available on the market today. Campus: Chula Vista, California.

Type: Public. Accreditation: BVNPT.

Tuition: $1,200. Minimum time commitment: 3 semesters. Online availability: No. Degree requirements: Prerequisite course completed with grade C or above, nursing assistant certification (verified), Hep B vaccination, the ability to lift at least 30 pounds. Programs: Vocational Nursing. School website: 4.


MiraCosta College At MiraCosta College, students can work towards their Licensed Vocational Nursing Associate in Arts Degree. They will receive a certificate of achievement upon completion and are encouraged to continue to study towards their associate’s degree, or even go on to become registered nurses.

Once they complete the LVN program, however, they are able to promote safety for patients by integrating the skills they have learned into the process of nursing. They will also be able to perform some therapeutic interventions to ensure the safety and well-being of their patients.

Campus: Oceanside, California. Type: Public. Accreditation: ACCJC. Tuition: $46 per unit for in state students and $185 per unit for out of state students. Minimum time commitment: One year. Online availability: No. Degree requirements: 18 or older, high school graduate or equivalent.

Programs: Licensed Vocational Nursing. School website: 5. San Diego City College San Diego City College is known by most as “City” or “City College”. Their programs last for two years and have been popular since the school was founded in 1914. The LVN program is particularly popular among those who want to get started in the field of nursing.

Students are encouraged to further their educational career, however, and the school also offers an LVN to RN program. Campus: San Diego, California. Type: Public. Accreditation: WASC.

Tuition: Varies depending on residency and military background. Minimum time commitment: 2 years. Online availability: No. Degree requirements: Attending a nursing workshop, high school diploma or equivalent. Programs: LVN.

School website.