Starcraft 2 Beta Windows Vista

Posted on admin

So there I was, stuck playing starcraft in crappy colors yet again, as it has always been during my beta testing of windows 7. For what ever reason, I decided to leave screen resolution dialog box open and what do you know- starcraft runs with its beautiful original colors. If anyone knows what I'm talking about: Symptoms: Starcraft runs with bright turquoise colors everywhere in the menu system. It looks rather psychedelic. On vista, it intermittently happened, on win7 it happens every time after the 1.16.00 patch installed. Fix: Simply open up your screen resolution window before playing, and leave it open.

  1. Starcraft 2 Beta Restart

How to Fix StarCraft Problems in Vista. With Windows Vista/7 operating differently than previous OSs, Starcraft has color issues. The new Aero effects is usually the.

Starcraft 2 Beta Windows Vista

Doing so will result in perfect colors ever time. The same for vista, just open up personalize. I have no idea why this works, but I've tested it many many times- you just open the window- nothing else.

DownloadStarcraft 2 Beta Windows Vista

I've reported it to MS and Blizzard- blizzard quickly blew me off though with a 'WINDOWS 7 IS NOT SUPPORTED' email. Nope, don't care about spelling. Enjoy SC lol! I too searched for a fix forever, but never found it. Glad I could help some people.

Starcraft 2 Beta Restart

I'll probly post this elsewhere for others to see. If you care to know how i found it: I run multiple monitors most of the time, however starcraft would run in ultra terrible colors if i had more than one graphics card active. (these colors were much worse than the normal menu messup, they had that problem and were what seemed inverted). Anyway, I commonly opened my display settings, shut two monitors off, then played. I just happened to leave it open by accident one day, started up the game and it looked great. Tried it a few more times and noticed scr res was open, horray!

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