Bugzilla Testopia Install

Posted on admin

I am trying to install Testopia on Turnkey Bugzilla. According to the Testopia docs, I simply have to untar the Testopia download in the Bugzilla root. I have tried this in /usr/share/bugzilla3, but it doesn't seem to work. What is the Bugzilla root directory in Turnkey Bugzilla? Also, the instructions say to run checksetup.pl after untarring the files. The only checksetup.pl I can find is in /usr/share/bugzilla3/lib.

Am I supposed to copy this file into the Bugzilla root directory in order to run it? Thanks in advance for any help. Hi Karl, These are my installation notes that worked for me # Installation Bugzilla 4.2.3 ## Get 4.2.3 install files 1. Goto bugzilla download ## Extract tarball tar xzvf bugzilla-version.tar.gz ## Save old config and data from bugzilla directory 1. Cd bugzilla-version 2.

Cp -r./bugzilla/data. ## Save old bugzilla directory 1. Sudo mv bugzilla bugzilla.old 2. Sudo mv bugzilla-version bugzilla ## Make link to bugzilla directory 1.

Town of forked river nj. A nice time with infant - basic price gets you admission, wagon ride and corn maze.

We are using bugzilla 4.2 in our organization. I want setup testopia 2.5 on this. We have done some customization on bugzilla while setting up. I want to retain them.

Cd /usr/bin; sudo rm bugzilla; sudo ln -s /usr/local/bugzilla bugzilla 2. Cd /Library/WebServer/Documents; sudo rm bugzilla;sudo ln -s /usr/local/bugzilla bugzilla Note: In /usr/local I have prepared a command file 'linkbugzilla' to do this ## Finalize installation new version 1. Cd /usr/local/bugzilla 2./checksetup.pl 3. In case of errors for missing modules sudo /usr/bin/perl install-module.pl -all 4. Rerun./checksetup.pl 5. Go to Bugzilla URL to check if Bugzilla is starting up 6.

Bugzilla Testopia Demo

Bugzilla testopia demo

Bugzilla Testopia

Check the new version in the right upper corner # Bugzilla project changed to bzr as of 4.2 release ## How to get a specific Bugzilla release Example how to check out Bugzilla 4.2 to directory bz-4.2: bzr co -r tag:bugzilla-4.2 bzr://bzr.mozilla.org/bugzilla/4.2 bz-4.2 # Installation of Testopia extension ## How to get Testopia bzr branch bzr://bzr.mozilla.org/bugzilla/extensions/testopia/trunk.