Custom Race Compatibility Patch Skyrim

Posted on admin

Which requires the race compatibility mod. [RELz] Custom Race. Here is the Skyrim Special Edition version of my race.

Each of the following versions is a single, unique version. You only download one version. The only version that has additional mods as a requirement is the RaceCompatibility Edition, which requires the race compatibility mod. All other versions are standalone renditions of the mod. SERAPHIM: UNP: UNP (Smooth) Edition for Xbox One: Seraphim (Smooth) Edition for Xbox One: UNP (Muscular) Edition for Xbox One: Seraphim (Muscular) Edition for Xbox One: RaceCompatibility (Seraphim) Edition for Xbox One: RaceCompatibility (UNP) Edition for Xbox One: Here is the Skyrim Special Edition version of my race, the Noiral. Be especially sure to read the Primal Transformations stuff carefully, as there have been some minor changes that you need to be aware of. As for the body styles and the are stuck with the styles I have released for the race.

You cannot change their body types by downloading other mods. There are no requirements for most versions unless you are using a handful of very select mods and are running into issues. You may run into problems if you have any other custom races installed.

You might run into issues with mods that alter vampire and/or werewolf scripts as well. You have been warned.

For PC players that want to use the RaceCompatibility system, I am not likely to release another version of the mod on this site. If you check the mod page on the Nexus, then I have a RaceCompatibility Patch that will work with the PC versions of the mod on this site. There are additional body styles to be found there as well: The Noiral were a small tribe of Nords who followed teachings laid out in an ancient manuscript written by Thadgeir the Tattooed Man, who was supposedly a hero of the Atmoran Civil war, and one of Ysgramor's five hundred companions. This manuscript and the secrets held within were handed down from Thadgeir to his son Yngvar, who was the founder of the Noiral. Upon learning these secrets, and mastering the rituals held within Thadgeir's book, Yngvar shared the secrets with a select few, who then sequestered themselves in the wilds of Skyrim, away from prying eyes to keep these secrets from the hands of those who would abuse the power. This tribe has survived in Skyrim, passing their secrets down from generation to generation, and has largely remained out of the affairs of Skyrim.that is until the Thalmor incursion.

On their crusade to stamp out Talos worship, the Thalmor discovered the Noiral's village deep in the wilds of Skyrim. Though the Noiral wielded great power, the Thalmor numbers were too great, and the Noiral tribe was decimated, and the village was burned to cinders and ashes. The few surviving Noiral are now scattered throughout Skyrim. Thadgeir's Teachings: Thadgeir's manuscript talked of Thadgeir's early journeys and travels to strange and unknown lands.

It was in these journeys that he learned of strange rituals and rites, and that he branded his body with mystic symbols (earning him the moniker of 'the Tattooed Man'). These symbols are said to bind primordial nature spirits to ones very being, and allow the branded to draw upon this spirit, granting them various powers and the ability to shapeshift into primal beasts. The Noiral can manifest a portion of their power and create a fiery wolf called an Amarok for short periods of time to aid them in their journeys. The Amarok gains in power as the Noiral gains in levels.Note - When loading into new cells/areas, the Amarok will not follow you. It will need to be re-summoned into these areas if needed. (This beast has a glow map and will glow in the dark!) The Noiral can manifest a portion of their power and create a fiery bear called a Shardik for short periods of time to aid them in their journeys.

Custom Race Compatibility Patch Skyrim

The Shardik gains in power as the Noiral gains in levels.Note - When loading into new cells/areas, the Shardik will not follow you. It will need to be re-summoned into these areas if needed. (This beast has a glow map and will glow in the dark!) This allows you to take the form of a primal cat spirit known as Nekomata. You will take increased damage from cold based attacks while in this form, and have some resistance to fire based attacks.

While weaker than the Nyah-Gwaheh form combat wise, this form offers increased speed and carry weight, making it good for travel, and it lasts 480 seconds. Hitting the space bar will perform a lunge attack, and hitting the sneak button (normally ctrl) will perform a quick attack.

After you follow the instructions listed to fix the mouse button crash issue, you can use the mouse keys for attacks as well. Pressing the shout button while in this form will revert you back to your normal form.Note - While this ability appears on your begining powers list, you will not be able to use it until you reach a magicka pool of 200.

(This beast has a glow map and will glow in the dark!).BIG NOTE ON THE NEKOMATA FORM: This note is for PC users, Xbox One users, read the next entry. While shapeshifted into this form, pressing whatever key you have set for the main attack keys and the draw/ready key, will crash your game. I do not know why this is, but Bethesda changed something to cause this.

As for the fix, there is a long weird tale as to how this came about, but regardless, I have tested this multiple times on two different machines. One setup had multiple mods, the other setup had just the Noiral. This process seems to work for some weird reason that I cannot explain. Load up your game, turn into your Nekomata form, and run to Bleak Falls Barrow in that form, and enter it. Once inside BFB, change back to your normal form, then change into the Nyah-Gwaheh form. Don't press anything, just save your game, then log all the way out to your desktop after it is saved.

Log back into the game, open up that save, and you should be able to press the mouse buttons without crashing the game. Just continue on with your game from that save. '.BIG NOTE ON THE NEKOMATA FORM FOR XBOX ONE USERS: Load up your game, turn into your Nekomata form, and run to Bleak Falls Barrow in that form, and enter it. Once inside BFB, Save the game and back out of it.

Load the game back up and then change back to your normal form, then change into the Nyah-Gwaheh form. Don't press anything, just save your game, then log all the way out to your desktop after it is saved. Log back into the game, open up that save, and you should be able to press the mouse buttons without crashing the game. Just continue on with your game from that save.' Now, there may be some variations to this process that may or may not work, and if anyone discovers anything, feel free to let me know. I have set attacks to the sneak, power attack, and jump functions as well, which will not crash the game, regardless if you use the fix or not. So if your game goes back to crashing, you still have 3 alternate keys to attack with.

The Nyah-Gwaheh is one of the most powerful primal spirits known to the Noiral. With this ability, your Noiral can assume this powerful spirits form for a short period of time in combat.

This form lasts for 120 seconds or until you press the shout to revert back to normal. As cool and powerful as this form not get hit by cold/ice attacks. You will not last long if so.Note: There are two known 'bugs' for this form. If you transform while wearing a quiver, you will see said quiver poking out of the body. If you don't want to see such, unequip the quiver before changing.

The second bug, occasionally during a 'kill move' sequence, the animation may freeze for a few seconds. Just wait, and the animation will complete.

This is an aura type ability that when activated, grants the Noiral an enhancement to destruction, one handed, and two handed. It should be noted that by activating this aura, it will cancel out any other active auras.Quick Note: Not sure what the issue is, but from time to time when activating this aura, the tendril effects show up, but the skin effects don't. This can be solved by going into and then out of first person. SUPPRESS AURA: This ability cancels out aura abilities (Primal Static, Primal Frost, Primal Flame).

Additional Noiral Spells/Powers: Scattered throughout the game, there are additional tomes that were taken from the Noiral camp by the Thalmor, and have made their way out into the world. There is a note that can be found in the Helgen Keep torturers chamber with some clues as to where these items can be found.

This is an aura type ability that when activated, grants the Noiral frost resistance, and increases stamina regeneration. It should be noted that by activating this aura, it will cancel out any other active auras.

Here is with an example of Primal Frost in game (turn up the video quality to better see the runes/animations). This is an aura type ability that when activated, grants the Noiral flame resistance, and increases health regeneration. It should be noted that by activating this aura, it will cancel out any other active auras.

Here is with an example of Primal Flame in game (turn up the video quality to better see the runes/animations). This is an aura type ability that when activated, grants the Noiral shock resistance, and increases magicka regeneration. It should be noted that by activating this aura, it will cancel out any other active auras. Similar to Flames with a shorter range, and you blast your foes with primal elemental energies, and can slow them down some. This is similar to Ice Bolt, but you strike your foe with with primal elemental energies, and have a chance to paralyze the target for a few seconds. The Noiral can enhance their senses by infusing themselves with primal energies, allowing them to see in the dark, and locate nearby friends and foes. It should be noted that if you cut off Primal Sight before it's time frame is up, you will not be able to see in the dark, but the ability to locate friends and enemies will persist until the spell timer runs out.

This phases your physical body out of existence, releasing primal energies in its place. You are ethereal and immune to attack with increased speed, and enemies attacking you will take frost, fire and electricity damage. Basically a nice little 'oh $#!t' button. Usable once per day, and it lasts 30 seconds. This allows you to release a Primal Spirit in the form of a dragon. This summons lasts for five minutes, and can be used once per day. As a warning - while this dragon will attack your enemies, it still basically functions like a dragon - while flying in the air during the fight, if it spots a tasty foe which is not currently a part of your current fight, it may stop and attack it.

As well, this is a large creature.I would recommend against trying to summon it in tight spaces. AND, this summoned creature does take extra damage from cold based sources. (This beast has a glow map and will glow in the dark!) Noiral Artifacts: There are also two Primal Artifacts, once wielded by Thadgeir the Branded that have been in the safe keeping of the Noiral until the Thalmor attack. The waraxe 'Reaver' and the bow 'FrostFyre' were both weapons forged by Thadgeir's hand, and were infused with primal energies enhancing their powers greatly. (These weapons have glow maps and will glow in the dark!) Frostfyre deals fire, frost and stamina damage, and has a chance at slowing targets. Reaver does fire and stamina damage, and has a chance at staggering foes. Both weapons have unlimited charges, and are fairly comparable in stats (if not slightly more powerful) to artifacts currently in game.

The weapons themselves are equivalent to Daedric quality weapons. The additional powers and artifacts are meant to be very rare, so they have not and will not be placed on a merchant anywhere. They are meant to be earned, hence me placing them in various points throughout the game. If you have already finished questing in these areas, then see the below on how to get your hands on the spells and weapons. Destruction 10 Conjuration 5 Enchanting 5 Two-Handed 5 One-Handed 5 Heavy Armor 5 Light Armor 5 (40 points for those keeping track.) They have a carrying capacity of 300, and enjoy a.5 increase to their regeneration rates over vanilla races (Magicka, Stamina, Health). Like I said, just moderately above vanilla races, but not by much. At the following site, under downloads, you will find different bodystyles, and you will find the all important files for a few fixes I will mention below: Eye issues?

Under the updates, there are three separate files for download that should alleviate the issues with the eyes. If one doesn't work, then try another one. Alright, Skyrim is a BIG game. Custom Races often have troubles in regards to being able to complete certain quests, due to missing dialogue and such, and I cannot locate every single one to give you forewarning. My only recommendation there, since I am not good with scripts and such, is to google the console commands that allow you to skip certain stages of a quest. If you have problems with quest completion, let me know, and I'll run it on up the chain to the custom race fix gurus and see what they can come up with. A quick note on multiple custom is generally recommended that you do not have multiple custom race esp's running at the same time, and it is even questionable to have multiple custom races even just installed at the same time.

Not everyone follows the exact same formula for making their races, which makes the likelihood of incompatibilities between custom race mods very high. There are ways to make them play nice, but it requires the mod maker to adhere to making the race a specific way and even sometimes using various other mods that work to make using multiple custom races at once feasible. That being said, if you are having an issue with this mod, and have another custom installed at the same time, there is a good chance that the culprit lay within having multiple custom race mods installed and running at the same time. When in Nekomata form, if you go into the first person view, you will not be able to attack while in this form. One other possible issue - Any mod that alters Reachwind Eyrie might, just might conflict with this mod. Mods that change the skeleton of bears and sabrecats will conflict with the Primal Transformations powers.

If you go to change form, and the camera shifts to between the forms legs, then download my optional beast mesh files and click yes to overwrite. This should overwrite the offending beast skeletons, placing mine back in the mix, and should solve the problem. As well, I have noticed that some mods that offer shapeshifting abilities might cause the attacks/abilities of the Primal Forms to not function properly.

Again, try the mesh file method, and then play with the load order, placing the Noiral esp over the offending mods esp. With the latest update, the transformations now use a unique skeleton, so theoretically, this should no longer be an issue.

Some people have reported experiencing an issue with the eyes when coming out of Invisibility and similar spells. I have no clue why this is, but if you shapeshift into a primal animal and change back, it seems to fix that eye issue. And, if you experience an issue where the eyes are overly bright, discolored, and the pupil is barely seen, then download one of the mesh file fixes I have available in the downloads section. I'll update if any further issues arise.BIG NOTE ON THE NEKOMATA FORM: This note is for PC users, Xbox One users, read the next entry.

While shapeshifted into this form, pressing whatever key you have set for the main attack keys and the draw/ready key, will crash your game. I do not know why this is, but Bethesda changed something to cause this.

As for the fix, there is a long weird tale as to how this came about, but regardless, I have tested this multiple times on two different machines. One setup had multiple mods, the other setup had just the Noiral.

This process seems to work for some weird reason that I cannot explain. Load up your game, turn into your Nekomata form, and run to Bleak Falls Barrow in that form, and enter it. Once inside BFB, change back to your normal form, then change into the Nyah-Gwaheh form. Don't press anything, just save your game, then log all the way out to your desktop after it is saved. Log back into the game, open up that save, and you should be able to press the mouse buttons without crashing the game. Just continue on with your game from that save. '.BIG NOTE ON THE NEKOMATA FORM FOR XBOX ONE USERS: Load up your game, turn into your Nekomata form, and run to Bleak Falls Barrow in that form, and enter it.

Once inside BFB, Save the game and back out of it. Load the game back up and then change back to your normal form, then change into the Nyah-Gwaheh form.

Don't press anything, just save your game, then log all the way out to your desktop after it is saved. Log back into the game, open up that save, and you should be able to press the mouse buttons without crashing the game. Just continue on with your game from that save.' .VAMPIRE LORD INSTRUCTIONS: You must follow this to the letter is you want the vampire lord stuff to work. After Harkon bites you, run through his vampire lord tutorial, then revert form. Before continuing on with any of the quests or changing form again (I cannot stress this enough, DO NOT CHANGE FORM AGAIN until you complete the following instructions), go do the quest that cures you of vampirism. Once cured, go back to the castle, find Serana, and have her change you back into a vampire again.

You should now be able to change forms and do the quests without issue. I do not get paid to do troubleshooting and tech work on your home machines/games. I will answer what questions I can, and help where I can, but I have a life and family outside of this game that need attending from time to time.

So, if I don't get to you in a timely manner, or cannot help you with your problems, then I do apologize, but I can't and won't be able to solve everyone's problems. That being said: If you have any issues with this mod, then check the Known Issues section on the mod description page and try the trouble shooting tips below before asking for help, because this is the same cut and paste answer I will give to everyone to start out with. I cannot possibly know or even guess at the number of potential mod conflicts because everyone's unique choices in mods can affect things in very unique ways, which is why 9 times out of 10, my answer is, I don't know, haven't heard of that, or some potential variation of the exact same theme. One huge factor to take into consideration here is that the number and types of mods can affect your game. If you are having issues, you may need to seriously rethink how many mods you actually need on your system. It is highly, highly recommended that you start with a fresh, brand new game for this or any custom race.

There is a good possibility of running into issues by using the console to change races. Try it at your own risk, and back up your save. If you are running into issues, one thing to try right off the bat is dropping the noiral.esp to the bottom of the load order. Now, if you are having issues with vampire/werewolf transformations, head/body parts not showing up properly, hairs not showing up, etc.then try this. Open the console and type these two separate commands (hitting enter after each): stopquest noiralracecontroller startquest noiralracecontroller As well, physically go into your Skyrim data folder (program files(x86)steamsteamappscommonskyrimdata folder), and make sure that you have the Noiral esp and bsa files physically in the folder.

Next, make sure that the required files are checked, running, and enabled in the NMM. And before you hit play the game, go to the Mods section menu, and make certain that the NoiralSE.esp file is checked and active in that menu. If all of this is well and good, then move on to the next part.

Obviously I am going to recommend starting with a brand new game. Now, to troubleshoot any possible conflicting mods, what I recommend is make it a save free of any additional mods, just use the NMM (Nexus Mod Manager), and deactivate every mod but mine - and by this I do not mean for you to uninstall every mod, but just use the deactivate button on the NMM. When checking for mods that need to be disabled for your checks and testing, remember any mods you are using through the Steam Workshop, and if you are using the curse client or any other source for mods.

You also need to make certain that any mod you are using is currently up to date, as that can cause unforeseen issues. Get your game started, make your character, and save the game. The next part may or may not be tedious depending on the number of mods you run (I run a ton of mods, so for me it takes awhile). Activate a mod, log in to the game, and check things out, see if it works. Then log out, activate another mod, log back in and check the results. Wash, rinse, and repeat until you find the conflicting mod.

A fresh install of Skyrim, if you run through multiple mods like I do isn't a bad idea, as this truly is a buggy game, and it is impossible to predict what may set an issue off - just the other day I installed a simple mod to change the way one npc looks and the game started crashing. I did a fresh install of the game with the exact same mods, and the same character changing mod, and now everything works fine. On the fresh install, to be certain that I get everything, I disable all of my mods via the NMM, then I completely delete my skyrim folder manually, and then I go into steam, and uninstall it via the steam client.

Then I reinstall the game, reinstall my mods, and that usually get's things up and running. One thing I would recommend is saving a copy of your fresh save game somewhere on your desktop in case the one you made gets corrupted. CTDS on Changing to Female Noiral: This is not a unique thing to my mod, as I have yet to have it happen, and rarely hear people talk about in relation to my mod. It will get a special mention here because it will give me a setup for my cut and paste answer for the issue. Here is a response to another user that I will share with some thoughts on the issue: 'Then you have a conflict somewhere, as after a quick google search, I have seen where people that are not using my mod have had issues with even vanilla races and this.

Besides running through my troubleshooting guide and pinpointing the offending mod (I have seen a lot of people mentioning hair mods being the main culprit), you can try and make a male Noiral, then use the console command to change your sex. After your sex is changed, then you can try and go into the character creation screen and modify the character. You can also make a female nord, then use the change race console command to change to a noiral. After the change, you can try and enter the character creation screen via console to alter the character there.

' Now, while I have given you a possible workaround, like I said way in the beginning, you need to consider things like the number of character resource mods you are running (hair mods, color mods, make-up mods, texture mods, mods with meshes and so on) - these mods can take their toll even on higher end machines, and can wreak havoc on mid to low end machines, especially when used in the large numbers together. So, I highly recommend to take a look at your mod setup, and really decide what is truly necessary for you to enjoy the game, and what is just fluff and not really needed. I have an update that needs to be fixed in your writeup for the xbox port.

In the writeup you state that: '.BIG NOTE ON THE NEKOMATA FORM: While shapeshifted into this form, pressing whatever key you have set for the main attack keys and the draw/ready key, will crash your game. I do not know why this is, but Bethesda changed something to cause this. As for the fix, there is a long weird tale as to how this came about, but regardless, I have tested this multiple times on two different machines. One setup had multiple mods, the other setup had just the Noiral. This process seems to work for some weird reason that I cannot explain. Load up your game, turn into your Nekomata form, and run to Bleak Falls Barrow in that form, and enter it. Once inside BFB, Save the game and back out of it.

Load the game back up and then change back to your normal form, then change into the Nyah-Gwaheh form. Don't press anything, just save your game, then log all the way out to your desktop after it is saved. Log back into the game, open up that save, and you should be able to press the mouse buttons without crashing the game. Just continue on with your game from that save.' On the xbox it has been discovered that an extra save is needed to stop the crashing.

I placed the wording in bold so that you can add it to your write up. Hope this helps. Said: When asking questions, make sure that you specify the version of the mod you discussing. And yes, I locked comments on the mod pages for the various versions of the mod.

There is too much for me to keep up with over the numerous versions of the mod. For the race compatibility version of Noiral, thank you for the reply to my request.

I just do not like the Seraphine as UNP is more real looking. I use no body mod now, just the vanilla body which is UNP with Adorable Females, KS Hairdo's Lite, Apachii Lite, Natural Eyes and Beauties of Skyrim. All of these go very well with Noiral. Thank you again, for this is the only race mod that I really like, even on the pc version. And a quick update on the far, for the next major update, which will probably be the last (I know this mod is new to many of you on this site, but this mod has been around for years), the Nekomata form will become a summons, and may be undergoing a change from fire to another elemental type. Due to the unfixable crashing issues when changing into this form, there will be a new primal form to replace it. The travel form will become a more reptilian form, called a Naga, and will most likely be lightning based.

So yes, there will now be primal forms beyond just fire based. I tested the Naga today, it loads up in the game, it works, and it doesn't crash the game when attacking. I just need to work on the textures for it. After that, I will be working on a primal frost spirit, the abomination known as the Wendigo. Not really much to say on this one as of yet, but the form will probably be equivalent to power with the Nyah-Gwaheh III form. There will also end up being a frost based summons, no plans on what it will be as of yet, as I need to test a few options. It will probably be something that is not currently in game, so a new beastie.

The Naga will be a form that comes with the race. For the Nekomata summons, the new frost summons, and the Wendigo transformation, you will most likely have to face these primal spirits in combat to gain the spells.

Race Compatibility Skyrim Mods Xbox One

No ETA as of yet. Just so that you know. I noticed two things with the Noiral Race Compatibility mod.

The lip color slider does not work. Yet notice how my character is standing. She is standing relaxed and as a female. She is not a vampire yet. Now my character is a vampire.

Notice the arms. She is not relaxed and standing as a female. She now has what looks like male arms and they hang away from her body unlike the other picture. They say a picture tells a thousand words so I fugured these pics would help you out. My load order is in my signature, the one that says current load order, if you care to know what mods I am running with it.

Compatibility Patch Download

Version 5.8d nexus link to the official mode page - R E Q U I R E D - normaly if you downloaded this from the nexus you would be having the race compatibility patch inside the file upon installation. As this thing is gunna be more and more needed in the future i subjest you download it now and update it regularly as close to any race that will get uploaded will need it.