Anonymous Search Tools

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  1. Free Anonymous Search Engine

Read this article in Introduction This is the 21st century, the so-called Digital Age, an age where information is more public than it is private. The sheer growth and pervasiveness of the Internet have led to additional concerns over privacy issues for a great number of people. As we are entitled to our privacy in the physical world, why not so in the virtual one too? There are a lot of genuine reasons for why many persons wish to stay anonymous on the Internet, reasons ranging from simple precaution over personal issues, to more extreme behavior such as hiding browsing activities from a spouse and averting coercive authority. We are not here to debate the legal, moral or ethical issues surrounding anonymity on the Internet, but merely to provide you with reviews of several methods available for you to achieve it. The programs listed here are classified as free software, and you should never have to pay a penny for any of them. After all, privacy is a fundamental right of ours, and we should not have to pay to obtain it.

Indeed, if you have already paid for any of these programs, then I recommend that you demand a refund. You will find that these programs are of the most help at internet cafes, libraries, schools, workplaces, and public or prepaid Wi-Fi hotspots, and any other frequented place where there is surely a greater need for discretion.

On the other hand, depending on your reasons, they are also perfect products for use in your own home in order to prevent curious or prying eyes and even your ISP from taking advantage of the opportunity to monitor you. Although there can be no guarantees of achieving 100% anonymity online, the following free programs do a great job toward furthering that goal in the ubiquitous ether we know as the Internet. Ultimately, anonymity comes down to two essential program elements:. The Browser - this is your primary point of entry to the World Wide Web and the primary means through which others can access data about you. If you are serious about your anonymity on the Internet, it is essential that you harden the configuration of your browser to prevent it from revealing your private information. The Networking Software components that work with your browser - this is the nuts and bolts of the anonymity machine that deals with network data traffic and where to route it.

Use cryptographic anonymity tools to hide your. How to Anonymize Everything You Do Online. Most Tor users know the program as a way to anonymously browse the. 5 Free Anonymous Internet Investigation Tools. Projects and programs of jose p. laurel. The downside to Tor is that it must be downloaded, unlike many of the other free anonymous internet search tools.

Normally, our network data flows straight through the ISP on its way to and from our home networks, meaning that our ISP can easily snoop on us all the time and record everything we do. Specialized software allows us to obfuscate our network data so that it is encrypted as it passes through our ISP and so that its ultimate destination is not traceable. In other words, exactly what we communicate and with whom remains private from 3rd-parties. There are a few types of connections which enable anonymous surfing:. P2P - peer-to-peer is a decentralized network that routes data through multiple peers as identifiable data pieces by location-independent keys. It is generally secure but could potentially be insecure as a peer could log information about the data passing through it. Proxies - routing machines named proxy servers continuously act upon your transfer requests to forward data, allowing you to avoid direct communications with the tell-tale point of contact where the data packets usually would be handled.

It is secure to a degree, though in fact routes can only be technically random and any logging of this passing data means vulnerability. VPN - a virtual private network that securely tunnels all of your information from one point to another, in essence meaning your data transfer appears to initiate from a remote machine. Generally very secure but could potentially be insecure as the remote server could log information easily about the data that you send or receive through it. With the popularity of portable USB devices increasing, it is now possible to run portable versions of software which do not need to be installed or interfere with the client machine configuration. JonDo and Tor, for example, and many other anonymity programs listed here are now fully portable and may work under restricted conditions such as being behind a corporate firewall. However, this does not mean to imply that we sanction the breaching of your company's acceptable use policy. As I am far from being an expert of VPNs, I have a simple question.

It is said that many VPN suppliers collects informations about you. Is that possible to conceal our true IP to a VPN supplier by using, beside the VPN itself, a software which has for unique task to change our IP? If these two softwares (VPN and IP hider) may work together, will the IP hider software change my IP between my computer and the VPN supplier or will it change the IP that the VPN supplier creates to hide my real IP? Please, I would like that nobody tells me that the VPN is supplying a new IP and that I don't need a IP hider, that is not the question here.

or to post comments. An interesting note from Securitykiss PPTP discontinued 2014-12-17 We knew for a long time that the PPTP connection method was very broken and since Snowden it was known that PPTP had been compromised by the NSA. In SecurityKISS we kept the PPTP service running because it was easiest to set up on mobile phones and tablets.

We were warning users that they should not expect confidentiality from PPTP. It was targetted at users who needed to change their IP address for video streaming and where confidentiality was not of paramount importance. There is an old saying in the security world: 'there is always a tradeoff between security and convenience'. We believe we were standing too long on the wrong side of that tradeoff and today we concluded that the warning is not enough so we decided to discontinue PPTP service in SecurityKISS. or to post comments. Chris PC I haven't tried for a few years but this may be useful: If you are going to install it, check the Privacy Agreement and see if you are about to accept a company called 'Relevant Knowledge' is going to be allowed to track and retain every site you surf.

If you have installed it and review the above and decide to uninstall it, after you have uninstalled it, go to Windows Services and see if there's a programme called 'Relevant Knowledge' set to 'automatic' (automatically load on boot). If there is, set it to 'disabled'. Of course they may not still do this or the name may have changed but worth looking. I thought it a bit odd for an anonymous surfing proxy to be recording every site I surfed. or to post comments.

I been using SecurityKiss for the past months but then last week something weird happened - I am automatically disconnected every unknown minutes, even though I am connected to the internet. And this morning, as I am using the service, it always disconnect, thus, risking my connection. What is happening to SecurityKiss? For now, I am using Tor Browser Bundle (as I write this).

And I did not find any problem with this. As for the speed, it is okay (beyond medium, with the fact that I am using broadband).

This Tor is promising. My suggestion: Please update this, because some of the programs are updated - like Cyberghost which is in 5., SecurityKiss is i 0.3.0 and Tor Browser Bundle which is 3.6.

Free Anonymous Search Engine

Free anonymous search engineAnonymous Search Tools

Anyway, thank you for the list. Keep up the good work.:). or to post comments. Hello guys.Yes i'm quiet interested too in stealth surfing;and the best about my personal view is spotflux.Spotflux vpn is an absolutely free vpn at 0 coast.Fast and reliable with a bith of installing problem with the older version.The new release is quiet reliable and change tour ip adress immediately and you are encripted.Very good.To give an eample like to watch tv outside the US is impossible but with spotflux you get doesn,t matter where you are.Like a lot of you guys i tried a lot vpn software,but mainly i.have been unsutisfied.

or to post comments. To Predator 00728, I wish to thank you for your suggestion of Spotflux. I have been playing with VPN's and proxy servers for six months now.

I have used every VPN on this review page, plus others that are not here at one time or the other, but ended up deleting them for one reason or the other. Spotflux is the only one that has meet all of my criteria for what I want in a VPN. I now have what I consider to be a perfect setup for me. I have Squid 2.7 for cache catching, and blocking HTTPheaders. I have Privoxy and AdblockPlus for blocking ads. Now thanks to you Predator, I have added the final piece of the puzzle, which is Spotflux, that changes my IP address. All of this for FREE!!

I wish to also thank the editor of this page for all of his hard work. There are some real good VPN's reviewed on this page, that can meet a lot of the needs of the readers of this page. Thank you all!!. or to post comments.

your reviews: Detailed, broad coverage and, most importantly, unequivocal and expertly opinionated. You saved me an hour of headaches and a bottle of aspirin re-re-researching the state of VPNs today. SecurityKiss is my (current) VPN of choice based on their adequate server facilities in my locale, unlimited/unthrottled bandwidth, the simplicity and elegance of their GUI and ease of configuration. I'll stick with them for now, not the least because of this review.

Thank you and all the excellent Commenters. Gushing finished. or to post comments. I just have found an interesting article about 'How to protect ourselves from hackers'. It is available here: One quote from the article: 'According to the Trustwave’s 2013 Global Security Report, cyber-security threats are increasing as quickly as we can implement measures against them.

Hackers have lots of different ways to steal your private data and information. And the main reason why hackers go after your personal information is identity theft! Over the past year, there have been roughly 12.6 million victims of identity theft – or, to put it into perspective, one victim every three seconds. No matter how safe you think you’re being online, chances are you’re making at least a few mistakes that compromise the integrity of your personal information.' About Hotspot Shield: 'Hotspot Shield VPN is the ultimate Internet security solution that secures your browsing session, detects and blocks malware, protects your privacy and allows you to access blocked sites.

Hotspot Shield is available both as a free VPN and a paid Hotspot Shield Elite subscription. Key Benefits to using Hotspot Shield: - Secure your web session, data, online shopping, and personal information online with HTTPS encryption.

Protect yourself from identity theft online. Secure your IP address for your privacy online and private browsing.

Access all content privately without censorship; bypass firewalls. Protect yourself from snoopers at Wi-Fi hotspots, hotels, airports and corporate offices. VPN client works on both wireless and wired connections. Provides Unlimited Bandwidth. !! - Works on PC and Mac, including new operating systems (Windows 8 and Mountain Lion).' Even if their product has received many awards - including from CNN, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Business Week Intl., I would like that the editor of this rubric to test the FREE version of Hotspot Shield; and then, to tell us his opinion about the program.-.

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