2 Years Nursing Program Ontario
Practical Nursing Humber CollegeHumber’s Practical Nursing diploma program provides the skills and knowledge needed to become Students in programs.
Hello Everybody! I'm from Vancouver and very fresh here.
2 Years Nursing Program In Nj
I have attended an information session for 23 month program for BScN in UBS. They said there that there are about only 4 more universities throughout Canada, offering similar short-term compressed program for people who already have earned a degree (like me) even if it is not any kind of medical degree. My question is - does anybody know where i can find similar 2-years program? I've googled but have only found one in the UWO. Thanks in advance. Ah, yes, UBC was blissfully unaware lol!
I made a list when I was finding to apply to, since I had a previous degree. All of these schools have a 2 year program: U of Calgary U of Alberta U of Ottawa U of Toronto York UWO U of New Brunswick Dalhousie St. FX McMaster Queen's Trent U of Lethbridge Off the top of my head.there might be more. You've got lots of options!
I found it helpful to make a spreadsheet in excel listing the pre-reqs for each one, the application deadlines, and the minimum averages.